Babe Neck Gaiter

Product code: babe-gaiter


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Get your plaid Babe the Blue Ox neck gaiter!  Can be worn in a variety of ways including as a mask*, beanie, balaclava, headband and more!  Stretchy polyester.

SKU: babe-gaiter Category:

Get your plaid Babe the Blue Ox neck gaiter!  Can be worn in a variety of ways including as a mask*, beanie, balaclava, headband and more!  Stretchy polyester.


*  In a nutshell, your neck gaiter is better than not wearing a mask at all. But! Know that it will not offer the same protection as higher-grade N95 respirators. Most neck gaiters designed for winter sports or sun protection are simply too porous to offer enough of a filter for the wearer from outside pathogens. It does seem to be effective for anyone who is sick to wear it, as it can block saliva and other large airborne particles, but anyone with symptoms shouldn’t be out in the wild in the first place. Consider reading the CDC’s guidelines on how to make face coverings with more protection HERE.

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